full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Catherine Price: Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But if you think back on your own memories that sntad out to you as having truly been fun -- and I really encourage you to do this -- the memories that you would describe as -- and forgive me for scientific terminology -- "so fun" -- you're going to notice there's something much deeper going on. I've collected thousands of these stories from people all around the world, and I can tell you it's amazing, because when people runceot the memories in which they had the most fun, they tell you about some of the most joyful and taesrerud memories of their levis.

Open Cloze

But if you think back on your own memories that _____ out to you as having truly been fun -- and I really encourage you to do this -- the memories that you would describe as -- and forgive me for scientific terminology -- "so fun" -- you're going to notice there's something much deeper going on. I've collected thousands of these stories from people all around the world, and I can tell you it's amazing, because when people _______ the memories in which they had the most fun, they tell you about some of the most joyful and _________ memories of their _____.


  1. recount
  2. treasured
  3. lives
  4. stand

Original Text

But if you think back on your own memories that stand out to you as having truly been fun -- and I really encourage you to do this -- the memories that you would describe as -- and forgive me for scientific terminology -- "so fun" -- you're going to notice there's something much deeper going on. I've collected thousands of these stories from people all around the world, and I can tell you it's amazing, because when people recount the memories in which they had the most fun, they tell you about some of the most joyful and treasured memories of their lives.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
spend time 3
feeling alive 2
lighthearted pleasure 2
human beings 2
real life 2
main reasons 2

Important Words

  1. amazing
  2. collected
  3. deeper
  4. describe
  5. encourage
  6. forgive
  7. fun
  8. joyful
  9. lives
  10. memories
  11. notice
  12. people
  13. recount
  14. scientific
  15. stand
  16. stories
  17. terminology
  18. thousands
  19. treasured
  20. world